For now the last in the Disfear re issue series. Everyday Slaughter is available on vinyl again, the first time since the 1000x run in 1997. The band and I tried to get it as close to the original as possible with small adaptions the band always wanted for this release. It was mastered by Brad AUDIOSIEGE and he did a brilliant job (like always) to make the band get the sound they were aiming for for the vinyl. Kurzi SHORTRIVER did print preparation and small adjustments. Thank you all for your great help, it wouldn’t be possible without you! Also a big thanks to my friends in DISFEAR for their trust and collaboration and to Felix HAVOCRECORDS to take part and do the NorthAmerican pressing. And also a shoutout to ChainsawDistro for the tape version. Get your copies from my list, directly from the band, from my main distributor Kink Records or if you are from NorthAmerica order from Havocrecords.
Crank up your stereo and feel the d-beat.
KASSHUVE – Dummedagen Kommer LP
After the great 7″ in 2020 on Adult Crash finally comes with a long delay due to covid bullshit and long tunaround times at the pressing plant and the band beeing quite occupied with other great and not so great stuff in life, the first longplayer “Dummedagen kommer” from KASSHUVE. The Malmö punks deliver 11 tunes of straight forward hardcore punk, always in full swing and with a clear 80s Scandinavian touch. The record comes in 350g/sqm cover, 4-page LP-size insert with great drawings by singer Erik, plus an additional poster. There is a color vinyl edition also, on brown vinyl. A collaboration with my friends Ralf (Kink Records) and Ovas (Metadona Records). It’s a rager and I am stoked I could be part releasing it. Get your copies from my list or from the kink records or metadona records online shop.
Update 2/2023
What happened the last year. Some represses of the DISFEAR LPs, discovering Ex-Dom as my ‘makes me happy’ band, great shows from A.F.K., Gewaltbereit, Inferno Personale, Hårda Tider,… Repressed MARTYRDÖD List, getting the repress of HELLSHOCK Shadows Of The Afterworld done for their Europe tour and working on 1-2 new releases. Kind of geting back to a more normal (if you can say that) life again. Record production price went up quite a bit and is not stable yet, we’ll see how long I can still afford doing this hobby but for now keep on marching.
Update: Website is back up and new
Long time no update and in the world there are definitely more important things going on than punk label things. Anyway, website was down after a hacker attack in April 2021. Couldn’t get recovered so we copied all we could to a new template. All a bit more modern but turned out quite good I think and the main thing it works and should be good to maintain. Thank you so much Arne
More important: I HATE WAR, NATIONALISM and GROSSMACHTFANTASIEN! My thoughts are with all suffering from war worldwide. Fight war not wars!
NIGHTMARE Give Notice Of.. LP
After 30 years this Japanese hardcore classic, NIGHTMARE Give Notice Of.. first released 1990 on legendary Selfish Records will be available on vinyl again. All vinyls are assembled, pre-orders at Punkdistro are on and most of the first pressing is deservedly already sold. I am so happy I was allowed to reissue this masterpiece from admired Nightmare and I think it turned out great. Thank you Micha, Sasa, Yoshi and all other helpers!
DISFEAR Soul Scars is on
All Problems are solved and DISFEAR Soul Scars went on sale again. Our copies are available from, the silver band copies from the band directly and the US version from Havoc as soon as shipping to the US works properly again.
Soul Scars vinyl release postponed
Due to unforeseen problems we have been forced to postpone the vinyl release of Soul Scars but do not DISpair the vinyl will come, you’ll just have to wait a little longer. Stay tuned!
DISFEAR Soul Scars reissue
Some news after quite some time. Despite big parts of the world are on lockdown we still had a release scheduled and in production. We work on having DISFEAR Soul Scars LP reissued May 8th on it’s 25 year anniversary! A Scandinavian hardcore beauty which got an extra push by much admired sound genius Brad Boatright at AUDIOSIEGE.
Preorders of my copies already start now, so if you have some money left after paying your rent and buying food it would be great if you order a copy and support the band, the labels and the distro.
Europe version by me you can get from our main distributor Punkdistro. North and South America: HAVOC and directly from Disfear.
Streaming services will be done by Relapse Records.
Stay safe everyone!
P.S. Thank you Marcus for the announcement video and thank you Kurzi for all your help.
PUNKS FOR ROJAVA! Solidarity is a weapon!
Here the statement of the act of solidarity I support:
The current level of brutality in the world is shocking and leaves us speechless. As incomprehensible as it all may be, we cannot let ourselves fall into a state of shock. We need to transform our speechlessness into cries of protest. It is time to give voice to our rage and fight the conditions in the world that are making us sick and leaving others dead. It is time to take a stand!
We cannot lose our solidarity in this cold world because it is our weapon in the fight for a humane existence.
In order to help break the silence and to show solidarity with the people and the revolution in Rojava, we – a collective of DIY Record Labels from all over the world – will be donating 25% of our proceeds in the coming week to the humanitarian aid organization Cadus and the Jinwar Free Woman’s Village. Because ours is a collective struggle.
Get active and take part in demonstrations and protests. The nationalist/fascist aggression of the turkish army is also an attack upon us and our ideals.
It may seem small, but it’s a start!
- MANIAC ATTACK Records (Germany)
- STONEHENGE Records (France)
- EPIDEMIC Records (Italy)
- SABOTAGE Records (Germany)
- CONTRASZT! Records (Germany)
- DORFPUNKGANG (Germany) SHOVE Records (Italy) - LA HUMANIDAD ES LA PLAGA (Spain/Germany)
- UP THE PUNX Records (Poland)
- PHOBIA Records (Czech)
- DIY KOLO Records (Poland)
- NOT ENOUGH Records (Sweden)
- 783 PUNX Records (UK)
- MISS THE STARS Records (Germany)
- 7 DEGREES Records (Germany)
- GOLDEN ANTENNA Records (Germany)
- DUNKELZIFFER Records (Germany)
- MANIYAX Records (Germany)
- DARK ELK Vinyl (Sweden)
- HALVFABRIKAT Records (Sweden)
- SUPREME CHAOS Records (Germany)
- NOTHING TO HARVEST Records (Greece)
- DIRT CULT Records (USA)
- ROPE OR GUILLOTINE Records (Netherlands)
- DESTRUCTURE Records (France)
- NO SPIRIT Records (Germany)
- TAKEN BY SURPRISE Records (Germany)
- TEENAGE WASTE Records (Russia)
- REFUSE Records (Poland)
- LOST IN FOG Records (Australia)
- PIFIA Records (Spain/Germany)
- SOUNDS OF SUBTERANIA Records (Germany)
- ADAGIO 830 Records (Germany)
- IF SOCIETY Records (Finland)
- DISTROY Records (Irleand)
- ES IST ZUM SCHEIßEN Movie (Austria)
- GOODWILL Records (Germany)
- KICK ROCK Records (France)
- WORLD OF NEED Clothing (Czech Republic)
- GOLDEN PRESS Records (Germany)
- YO-YO Records (Germany)
- LA FAMILIA Releases (Germany)
NIGHTMARE Thirsty And Wander LP
I am thrilled and honoured I could join Nightmares 3rd full length in over 30 years band existence. It means a lot to me to work with Nightmare again. Since being part of releasing ‘Scatterraw’ and touring in Europe and Japan with them I have the highest respect for this humble and dedicated crew!
On “Thirsty And Wander” the Osaka punk veterans deliver another noise hardcore trash attack they are famous for. You get 10 classic Nightmare tracks, short, fast, full power and no rock influence. They still do what they believe in without compromising themselves to trends. And even if the world changed a lot since they started sadly their anger and criticism of the state of society is more relevant than ever.
The CD was released in January 2019 on Bloodsucker Records, a tape version on Deleated Records, the North America vinyl version on 540 records and the Europe vinyl version is done by me in cooperation with Farewell Records.
A huge THANK YOU to Yoshi, would not have been possible without you!
Get your copy here.
WOLFBRIGADE Comalive 10 anniversary edition / DISFEAR Live The Storm repress
Long time no writing here. Last December I released a WOLFBRIGADE Comalive 10 year anniversary edition LP together with MCR company and HAVOC records. It’s the long lost raw-mix mastered by guitarist/mastermind Jocke at his own studio Wolfden studio and the band revised the artwork.
You can still get red or black vinyl and/or a copy of the repress from the DISFEAR Live The Storm LP or some other LA FAMILIA releases through our distributor
Conciertos Mallorca
There are some great shows coming up here on Mallorca, check them out here.
This weekend you can catch Sangre en Polvo, Rotax, Tigre, Disease, Net Weight, III Guerra, Usura and Trance. In 2 weeks Suicidas, Pena Máxima, Puñal and Ruidosa Inmundicia.
DISFEAR – A Brutal Sight Of War 12inch is out now
Since 15th of August DISFEAR ‘A Brutal Sight Of War’ 12inch is available. It contains the first Disfear material, the ‘Self Titled’ 7inch from 1992 and the ‘A Brutal Sight Of War’ recordings from 1993. Originally the material was released as two 7inches and as CD and later on as 10inch. Now you can get it as 12inch. I am super stoked I could reissue this Scandinavian hardcore classic together with Disfear Records and Havoc. Our copies you can get directly from Punkdistro, for North America please check out HAVOC RECORDS and the band label sells their copies here.
Friday the 13th, Hårda Tider / Crucial Section – Unleash The Fucking Fury finally on vinyl
Friday the 13th (of June) Hårda Tider / Crucial Section – Unleash The Fucking Fury Split will finally be out on vinyl.
After 2+ years we are close. Vinyl is done, sleeves will be printed soon, can’t wait.
Thank you Kurzi Shortriver and Andy Instigate for preparing the print files, Erik for the ace artwork and for sure the bands for their killer tunes and letting me be part of this release. It is a coproduction with the (band)labels Hårda Skivor and Crew For Life Records. You will be able to get my copies through my partner in recordcrime I will let you know when preorders start, stay tuned!
Mallorca II
Another update on my punk life here in Mallorca.
To get a good overview about the current punk bands check out Malloca Punk Vol 1 LP from 2013 and the Mallorca Punk Vol 2 LP which just was released.
For shows you can always check the Youthing magazine and there are Mallorca Punk groups on FB.
My favorite venues for shows by now are Sa Possessió, Factoria de So and Maraca club.
(Nearly) Every Saturday there is the already classic 1984 radio show with punk and activist infos and music.
Other recent releases i checked out. Sickside ‘Hiena Negras’ 7inch, The Quatermass ‘Under Control’ LP, Ataque Preventivo ‘S/T’ 7inch and the new Trance ‘Vivir Mata’ LP.
Bon dia
As some might know I moved to the balearic island of Mallorca. Beautiful island with quite a nice scene. It brought us bands like Bad Taste, Disease, Aspirina Infantil… and has still many dedicated and good bands like Ataque Preventivo, The Quatermass, Sickside, Ursura, III Guera, Orden Mundial, Trance…
If you ever come here, I like Sa Possesió and Factoria de So as venues a lot and it’s always good to check out Youthing for dates.
And if you are on the island right now come to Factoria de So this Saturday 16th of December to enjoy a fun show.
Label is still going slow but steady and after this fine year with some Disfear action again I look forward to what is coming 2018.
So stay tuned!
DISFEAR Live The Storm available on vinyl again
DISFEAR Live The Storm is finally available on vinyl again. The band and I made a repress under license of Relapse records. Preorders at Punkdistro and directly from the band started yesterday, shipping will be done in the week after their weekend trip with Cyness and Wolfbrigade.
We did 1050x black vinyl and 295x hazy orange vinyl this pressing.
Havoc records will get a load beginning of October for the US.
Super stoked about this one and can’t wait to see them live in Leipzig and Berlin.
DISFEAR will play three more weekend trips. In September they team up with WOLFBRIGADE and CYNESS, in October they will play two shows with PYRAMIDO and Bloodshed Fest and in November it’s Blitz, Oslo.
Check out dates for the DISFEAR trips and WOLFBRIGADE, PYRAMIDO shows.
DISFEAR weekend trip + Misanthropic Generation LP repress
Right in time DISFEAR are finally hitting the road again and doing a nice weekend trip to Hamburg Hafenklang and Roadburn Festival in Tilburg i am glad i could do a repress of the Misanthropic Generation LP. You can get your copy (black vinyl or yellow/black marbled vinyl) directly from the band this weekend and from their direct merch sale and starting next week from my main distributor Punkdistro.
I look so forward to the shows this weekend, this band and people mean a lot to me, don’t think i would still do the label if not with them and also they led me to my other passion, brewing. I am grateful to have em and we’ll have a blast this weekend. Come by if you can and grab a copy of the vinyl if you weren’t lucky to get one of the earlier pressings.
MARTYRDÖD/ADRESTIA In Solidarity With Rojava Benefit 7inch
Friday 10th of March the MARTYRDÖD/ADRESTIA In Solidarity With Rojava Benefit 7inch will go on sales.
I am supporting Punks For Rojava, MARTYRDÖD and ADRESTIA with their great cause to create awareness about the situation in and around Syria in general and in Roja in particular and to show solidarity with the people of Rojava.
Punks For Rojava are releasing the Split 7inch of MARTYRDÖD and ADRESTIA.
THEY NEED DISTROS to help to spread and sell the 7inch. Please get in touch if you are interested.
The 7inch is to draw attention and hopefully bring in some profit which will go completely to the Swedish support organization Rojavakommittéerna.
They try to keep it to a selected amount of distros, not to many and most probably only one per country/region.
By now Punkdistro, Phobia Records, Panda Banda, Distro-y, Heavy Metal Vomit Party, Scarecrow Records and Black Elk records are on board to support it.
MARTYRDÖD List LP out now!
MARTYRDÖD List LP is out now. It’s stunning and believe me, you need this one.
European vinyl pressing is done by me and D-Takt & Råpunk. LFR load of colored vinyl is already sold out through preorders. Black vinyl mailorder and wholesale is still available through Punkdistro and it sounds as good as colored vinyl (or maybe even better?). D-Takt & Råpunk still has red vinyl of the European pressing available.
CD and North American vinyl version (black and clear vinyl) is available from Southern Lord Recordings.
MARTYRDÖD “List” in the making, URSUT “Köp Dig Lycklig” repress
Harmagedon is near! I am super stoked to release the european vinyl version of Martyrdöds upcoming LP ‘List’. Again together with admired D-takt & Råpunk. License from Southern Lord Recordings and they’ll do CD and US vinyl. And believe it or not, this record is even better than the last ones. I am still smiling from listening to the master and appreciate Martyrdöd still stick with me and Jocke and have us do the european vinyl version.
Ursuts ‘Köp Dig Lycklig’ LP is making many happy so we want you to have even more chances to buy yourself happiness and made a first repress.
Enjoy, stay tuned and don’t forget to crank it up!
URSUT – Köp Dig Lycklig LP preorders
URSUT Köp Dig Lycklig Lp is nearly done and ready to get shipped. Preorders start now, so go ahead and buy yourself happiness! LFR wholesale and mailorder copies (white vinyl available) you can get from our partners in record crime Punkdistro.
The new Lp from URSUT ‘Köp Dig Lycklig’ (buy yourself happiness), is a thematic album dealing with classic but sadly still current (timeless?) topics of power structures, neo-liberalism, capitalism and social stigma.
Music wise they pick it up where they left off after their first LP ‘Dårarnas paradis’ (fools’ paradise). Aggresive dual vocals, pounding, blisteringly heavy hardcore with fine hooks, intense breaks in the now-classic Swedish tradition. Full throttle dödskängpunk.
The Lp is a cooperation with 4490 records, Phobia records and Not Enough records.
Next to the LP version there is also a CD and Tape version by Not enough records and the band.
Release date is July 1st. While waiting for it have a listen and get pumped up.
Gran Canaria, new releases
I moved away to Gran Canaria. I’ll be here the next 1-1 1/2 years and after that most probably settle in Mallorca. But poc a poc.
Direct Mailorder and Wholesale are on hiatus, don’t know when i’ll set up a place for mailorder/wholesale again. Please get my releases and other great records from my main distributor, they carry all the available releases and most available limited editions.
New records are also in the making, stay tuned.
Hasta luego
Some thoughts as lifesign
Long time no writing again. First of all i have to write about what made me think a lot about life, label and scene involvement.
As most of you might have read by now, Kleister of Skuld Releases died in a tragic accident 30th of May 2015. It is a hard loss and hurts. He was there when i started and always supported me, was a big influence for me as young punk and later as label activist. He was always open, never had any attitude or status bullshit and influenced and supported me and several others in being involved in the scene and starting a label. Thanks Kleister for everything, you will live on in our hearts and minds. My thoughts are with his family and close friends.
I am relieved his record label heritage will be taken over by his longtime partner in record crime and closest friend Stevie from Ruin Nation Records. It’s in the right hands and the logical consequence. If Skuld Releases lives on it must be with Ruin Nation Records. Thanks Stevie for taking it on and keep on cutting your own way.
The whole thing made me think a lot if in times admired friends and bands are not there anymore and times are often to fast for me i should keep on doing the label, but i don’t feel ready to let go and still have a really small circle of friends/bands i want to do things together. I will definitely keep it more quiet especially since i will move away for one year and might put the label on hiatus but i won’t disappear yet. And i think i will never disappear for good until i am dead since the scene gave me so much, opened opportunities and gave me my best friends in life. Some things in life changed, my focus on other passions of mine and other things in life take more priority but I am still here, still strong just more quiet and slower.
New releases will definitely follow (a.e. Hårda Tider / Crucial Section – Unleash The Fucking Fury 7inch) and some represses but step by step and no hurry. Poc a poc as some of my best friends would say.
Represses HERÄTYS 12inch+7inch and HÅRDA TIDER/NIGHT FEVER 12inch
Long time no writing, other things had priority and i’ll write more about occurrences and thoughts soon. Don’t feel like it now.
Some records got repressed:
- HERÄTYS s/t 12inch
- HERÄTYS Näen Punaista 7inch
Get your copy now directly from us, from Punkdistro or your favorite and maybe even local distro.
Pyramido and D?B! live + represses
PYRAMIDO and DIAGNOSIS?BASTARD! are getting in the van soon. So happy to have em stop by in Bremen.
While i wait to announce a great new release i focus on repressing. Right now the repress of the HERÄTYS 12inch and the HERÄTYS Näen Punaista 7inch are in the pressing plant and also in line are represses of HÅRDA TIDER / NIGHT FEVER – Split 12inch and MARTYRDÖD Elddop LP.
Lifesign, upcoming tours and shows
Long time no news on the website. I had no news and not much to say. Right now I sort out options for releases this year and need to save the incoming money for overdue represses of former releases.
The bands are active though. I updated the dates section. Victims are going to the UK, Hårda Tider are going to the UK with Damaged Head, Pyramido & Diagnosis?Bastard! are coming down to mainland Europe and Martyrdöd have some shows lined up.
Thanks to all involved in the HÅRDA TIDER/NIGHT FEVER Split 12inch
Long overdue post and thanks list.
HÅRDA TIDER/NIGHT FEVER tour is over and Split 12inch is out. Big thanks to the bands for killer live shows and the brilliant material. To Erik P. for another excelent cover piece. To Gustav and Matte P. for excellent recording of the songs and to Matte P. for getting both masters together and preparing them perfect for pressing. Jakob of AdultCrash for being a partner in record crime for this one and someone i admire in the punk label world. To Hårda Skivor for taking part again. And last but not least Kurzi for putting the artwork pieces togehter, layouting and illustrating the lyric sheet in night sessions, doing a sticker for the speical reverse label edition over night and for always being there and supporting me and the label. Without bands and people like thist nothing would work on my side and i am honored and appreciate it to have you all.
Get your copy now
Pressing info:
260x special reversed labels edition on magenta vinyl – tour/band copies
300x grey vinyl – mailorder copies
800x black vinyl
HÅRDA TIDER/NIGHT FEVER tour is on and Split 12inch is out
Note: delay with the grey vinyl. The bands have the magenta vinyl with them, black vinyl will be available Monday, grey vinyl end of next week. Some production trouble/chaos.
HÅRDA TIDER/NIGHT FEVER Split 12inch is out now for their tour. They have a special edition with reversed labels and colored (magenta) vinyl with them, so go see them and grab a copy.
AdultCrash, Punkdistro, Hårda Skivor, Punkdistro and I will have a regular black vinyl edition and grey vinyl available after the tour.
Pressing info:
260x special reversed labels edition with colored (magenta) vinyl
300x colored (grey) vinyl
800x black vinyl
Stream the NIGHT FEVER side here.
Wholesale, Mailorder, Trade
I now do direct mailorder and wholesale again. Main distibution is still done by our friends of Punkdistro and some stuff you can get from Sabotage records and Kink records also. I don’t trade but for possible trades you can contact Punkdistro or Kink Records. We also have some records listed at Discogs now.
Update on the Night Fever/Hårda Tider Split 12inch
There will be 250x copies on magenta vinyl for the tour.
The main pressing of 800x black & 300x solid grey (most probably with a screen print wrapping by Kurzi and Olli) will follow later on. Date will follow.
If you are in hurry getting your hands on the record, see them live and buy a copy.
MARTYRDÖD Elddop LP is available now.
MARTYRDÖD Elddop LP (European version) is available now.
Get it mailorder and wholesale directly from me or from D-Takt & Råpunk or Punkdistro or soon also from KinkRecords.
The 100x copies on white vinyl are sold out. Screenprint edition on brown vinyl i still have some copies.
Pre-orders for MARTYRDÖD Elddop LP (Europe version)
Punkdistro started the wholesale and mailorder pre-orders for the MARTYRDÖD Elddop LP (Europe version).
The 25x screenprint editions i gave them are sold-out already.
I will have 50x of the screenprint editions to sell you can pre-order through my direct-mailorder.
MARTYRDÖD will have 20-30x of the screenprint edition with them on tour and D-Takt & Råpunk will have 85x copies.
From the 100x on white vinyl the band will have 80x on tour and 10x each go to D-Takt & Råpunk and LaFamiliaReleases. I have 5x of them left for pre-order also through my direct mailorder.
The black vinyl edition you can also pre-order now mailorder and wholesale directly from me or from Punkdistro.
CD is available from SouthernLord.
NOTE: Punkdistro will start shipping the 4th of August, i will start shipping 12th of August since i am on vacation the week before.
MARTYRDÖD Elddop testpressing confirmed & upcoming shows
MARTYRDÖD confirmed the testpressing of the Elddop LP, means we can proceed.
Here are their upcoming shows:
02.08.2014 DE Frankfurt, Exzess
03.08.2014 FR Paris, La Maroquinerie * with CONVERGE
04.08.2014 UK Manchester, Club Academy * with CONVERGE
05.08.2014 UK Glasgow, Classic Grand * with CONVERGE
06.08.2014 UK London, Scala * with CONVERGE
07.08.2014 DE Köln, Underground * with CONVERGE
08.08.2014 BE Ieper, Ieper Fest * with CONVERGE
09.08.2014 CZ Jaromer, Brutal Assault * with CONVERGE
10.08.2014 HU Budapest, A38 * with CONVERGE
11.08.2014 AT Salzburg, Rockhouse * with CONVERGE
12.08.2014 SI Maribor, MC Pekarna * with CONVERGE
13.08.2014 IT Milan, Magnolia Open Air * with CONVERGE
14.08.2014 DE Stuttgart, Universum * with CONVERGE
13.09.2014 CZ Praha, Enemy Of The Sun Fest
18.10.2014 NL Eindhoven, Bloodshed Fest
MARTYRDÖD Elddop LP (european vinyl edition)
Finally the official announcement.
I’ll do the European vinyl edition of MARTYRDÖD – Elddop together with D-Takt & Råpunk.
CD on SouthernLord out now!
US LP on SouthernLord out in September 2014
EUROPE LP (license) on LaFamiliaReleases and D-Takt & Råpunk out 2.8.2014 for their tour with CONVERGE
Some infos about MARTYRDÖD Elddop from RarelyUnable
D-Takt & Råpunk and i plan on doing 1000x first pressing with 100x in one color for the tour and 200x in another color with screenprint for our label mailorders. More updates soon.
Punkdistro will start to take pre-orders for wholesale and mailorder soon.
Still alive
No updates for quite some time. I am caught up with other things and at the same time i try to get some label structures set and get an overview about upcoming releases and how to finance them and some represses. A bit unorganized times combined with my regular slowness keeps my label activity low but i am still here and good stuff will come. Vorwärts, vorwärts…
LIFE CRISIS for valentines day
Throw away your valentine cards and flowers and take a dark exact view on reality.
WE LIVE IN TRENCHES – ‘Life Crisis’ LP is out now!
Take a listen to understand the power and intensity of WLIT and then buy the ‘Life Crisis’ LP and the ‘Out Of The Dark’ 7inch. Punkdistro still has both in colored vinyl editions. The release is a cooperation with Farsot. Was a pleasure to work with them and WE LIVE IN TRENCHES.
LIFE CRISIS continues the path of OUT OF THE DARK. Distorted and heavy monotone tunes with a frightening realistic view on life. This release is intense both from the music and the message. This is so real and touching it is scary and i love that.
HÅRDA TIDER weekend trip
HÅRDA TIDER are coming down next week for a weekend trip and bring their friends of SVART STÄDHJÄLP. Scandinavian Hardcore Insanity guaranteed.
*Scandinavian Hardcore Insanity*
22/11/2013 – DE – Bremen – Friese + Panzerband
23/11/2013 – DE – Hamburg – Hafenklang + Yardbomb
24/11/2013 – DE – Berlin – Koma F
Still on cloud nine from last weekend. Friday PYRAMIDO and NIGHTSLUG show in Bremen was great. Both bands delivered strong. Next day the HÅRDA TIDER release show in Malmö was insane. So pumped i made it and it gave me so much fun and inspiration. Both records, PYRAMIDO – Saga LP and HÅRDA TIDER – Scandinavian Hardcore Insanity LP are out and you should get your copy. PYRAMIDO are still on tour, catch them if you can.
PYRAMIDO Saga – tour, LP, video…
PYRAMIDO Saga LP is on the way. There will be about 350x on black vinyl, 50x on green vinyl and 100x on green/black splatter vinyl with screen-print wrapper. Of the green vinyl the band will have 20x copies and Punkdistro and us 15x each. Of the green/black splatter vinyl with screen-print wrapper the band will have 40x copies and Punkdistro and us 30x each. These limited editions are sold out at Punkdsitro so you can only still get copies from the band and from us directly now.
PYRAMIDO are going on tour September/October. The tourshirt is also available from Punkdistro.
Here is the song and video for År Av Onåd from the Saga LP check it out.
Destruction, Doom and Revolt = upcoming releases
Working hard on three new releases.
First of is almighty CCHC masters HÅRDA TIDERs second LP called Scandinavian Hardcore Insanity. The title of the LP says it all! This will be a cooperation with the bands own label Hårda Skivor and the CD will be done by topdollar Instigate Records. (love you Andy!)
It will be followed by Malmös doomsters PYRAMIDO new LP named Saga. Slow, dark, intense like always… a brute force!
And also in line is WE LIVE IN TRENCHES new album Life Crisis. Still political, bitter, dark and ruthless this release will unsettle you.
WE LIVE IN TRENCHES Out Of The Dark 7inch and DIAGNOSIS?BASTARD! S/t 7inch are still smoking hot, so please purchase them so we have funds for our new releases.
DIAGNOSIS? BASTARD! – S/t 7inch is out now
DIAGNOSIS?BASTARD! – S/t 7inch is also finally done. After quite some time the vinyl arrived and also sleeves got finally done after some troubles slowed it down. Now it’s available and as expected it turned out great. Just in time for DIAGNOSIS?BASTARD!s upcoming UK trip. If you are on that island go and see them, you will enjoy it, i promise!
This one is a cooperation with much admired D-Takt & Råpunk, so get your copies from them, me directly or soon also from Punkdistro. We made 354 on black vinyl and 150 on dark green/black marbled vinyl.
WE LIVE IN TRENCHES – Out Of The Dark 7inch is finally available
The WE LIVE IN TRENCHES – Out Of The Dark 7inch is finally done and available. Some copies were already sold at their shows in march but there were troubles with the lyric sheets but now it’s settled. It is a cooperation with the bands own label Labour Camp so if you are from Sweden it might make sense to order directly from them or get copies from me directly or from Punkdistro. We made 358on black vinyl, 102 on red/black marbled vinyl as mailorders copies and 50 on red vinyl only available from the band.
In autumn the new LP by WE LIVE IN TRENCHES, “Life Crisis” will follow and be done in cooperation with the great new label Farsot.
URSUT repress is done
I did a repress of the URSUT – Dårarnas Paradis LP and got two copartners for the repress. Unrest from Canada and 4490 from Singapore. I have 45x on pretty pink vinyl and about 100x on black. Get them directly from me or soon also from Punkdistro again.
By the way, URSUT together with other homies of mine played the amazing Malmö Hardcore Invasion in Hamburg. It was so fucking ace i am still inspired by it.
Seems like the next releases will be a DIAGNOSIS? BASTARD! 7inch together with much cherished D-Takt & Råpunk, then some killer HÅRDA TIDER stuff, hopefully latest for Malmö Hardcore Inavasion Vol.1 and in summer a WE LIVE IN TRENCHES LP together with the great new founded Farsot label.
Looks like 2013 will be a damn great year for La Familia Releases again!
Out now: HERÄTYS Näen Punaista 7inch
The last HERÄTYS 7inch ‘Näen Punaista’ is nearly done. Reprint of the sleeves arrived at Punkdistro today (1st load was printed on the wrong cardboard), 7inches are also there and lyric sheets hopefully arrive this week. I plan on driving to Hannover to pack them this weekend. You can get it from Punkdistro or directly from me.
Oh, just that you know, it is exactly as brilliant as you expect.
WOLFBRIGADE – weekends trips are done + some show editions left
WOLFBRIGADE and i had awesome weekends. Thanks so much to all the show organizers, venues, people who helped out, people who came out and made it that great. We had a damn blast.
There’s not gonna be many more gigs this year and the winter break will go till end of April/May but then they Wolfis will be back full throttle.
I have some of the WOLFBRIGADE – Damned LP Show Edition aka. Lycanthro Punk Live Assault 2012 Edition (BRONZE VINYL + SCREENPRINT) left and i will sell a bunch directly after all and not only at shows. There were 300x bronze vinyl made and about 200-250x of them are with the screenprint wrapping.
You can order it for 20 Euro ppd (incl. postage and all) or go through my list and maybe find some more stuff
I also gave a small amount to Punkdistro, they are fast and have a big selection so if you rather order there, feel free.
WOLFBRIGADE this weekend
I’m on the road with WOLFBRIGADE this weekend.
12.10. Hamburg – Hafenklang
13.10. Eindhoven – Dymano Club – Bloodshed 13
Also this weekend is the killer MALMÖ HC FEST.
Awesome weekend ahead, yeah!
URSUT this weekend, WOLFBRIGADE next weekend
URSUT are in Berlin at Köpi and in Hamburg at Störtebecker this weekend.
WOLFBRIGADE are coming to Hamburg Hafenklang and to Eindhoven Bloodshed Fest 13 next weekend.
WOLFBRIGADE Praha, URSUT Berlin and Verden
WOLFBRIGADE have the EnemyOfTheSun fest ahead. Czech and Prague are always worth a trip and with that great fest even more. URSUT will come down of October for 19th Köpi anniversary and AZ Bazillus in Verden, don’t miss out.
short update
Long time no writing here. Not much happening, taking it easy and enjoying summer, repressed the KYLESA Static Tensions Lp for their tour and still wait for artwork for the final HERÄTYS 7inch. So stay tuned, we’ll be back!
WOLFBRIGADE July Weekendtrip, New HERÄTYS 7inch
WOLFBRIGADE are on the road this weekend. Don’t miss out:
12.07.2012 CZ – Trutnov – OBSCENE EXTREME
13.07.2012 DE – Leipzig – Bermudadreieck-Plagwitz
14.07.2012 PL – Gdynia – DIY Fest
Thanks to Matte I finally received a master for the new and last HERÄTYS 7inch. It smokes! Now waiting for the artwork and then Ken (Prank) and I can set a release date.
HERÄTYS 12inch reissue + VICTIMS A Dissident repress
While i desperately wait to release the last HERÄTYS 7inch i made a repress/reissue of their masterpiece 12inch. Oskar (NotEnoughRecords) who originally released it helped me out to make a repress. If you missed out on that great record by now this is your chance to get it. Please note: Since the pressing plant Flight13Duplication used for the repress (MPO) send the wrong quality of the sleeves they have to be redone and should arrive next week. All orders are on hold till then. Sorry, MPO is always in for fuck ups it seems…
VICTIMS A Dissident LP is also repressed and available for wholesale again.
Both records are available through Punkdistro.
WOLFBRIGADE start it tonight!
WOLFBRIGADE are kicking it off tonight at Kafé 44. Their first show for almost two years and it will kick ass!
Thanks to Kurzi and the Double O’s the screenprint sleeves are ready in time for the release show and the showedition will be available tonight and at the upcoming shows! Posters also arrived and are available at the upcoming shows and from Punkdistro. See you at the shows!
WOLFBRIGADE Damned LP is out now!
The WOLFBRIGADE Damned Lp is out now get your copy from The show edition will have an awesome screenprint sleeve layouted by Kurzi and printed by the almighty double O’s!
Record release show is 12th of May at Kafé 44 in Stockholm, go an get a ticket!
It will be followed up by a record release weekend trip:
17.05.2012 DE – Potsdam – BlackFleck
18.05.2012 DE – Giessen – No Love For A Nation 15 Jahre Pestpocken Festival
19.05.2012 DE – Verden – Juz Dampfmühle
and some more weekend trips are set.
URSUT shows, VICTIMS on tour and CRUDE/SELFISH Split 7inch
URSUT will come down to Tyskland next weekend.
05.04.2012 DE – Berlin – Cassiopeia
06.04.2012 DE – Leipzig – Zoro
07.04.2012 DE – Hamburg – Dräschfeschd
The VICTIMS, Black Breath & Tormented tour is on, don’t miss out! They have the last silver, orange and screenprint editions of the ‘A Dissident’ Lp with them and a load of the Kylesa Split 7inches & other cool merch.
CRUDE/SELFISH ‘Show Me No Defeat’ Split 7inch was out for the tour. We did 460x on black vinyl and 143x on white vinyl. CRUDE had 60x white vinyl on tour with them, SELFISH will have 30x and Punkdistro has (had?) some. A handful is also left here if someone really needs it contact me via email. Wholesale of the 7inch is done by Punkdistro again. By the way, the 7inch is as ass kicking as expected!
-> Again huge thanks to Kurzi for the great cover and sleeve realization and to Mattias Sceleris ljudproduktion for the leveling and mastering!
For the upcoming CRUDE + BACKLASH Tour we are super last minute releasing the CRUDE/SELFISH ‘Show Me No Defeat’ 7inch. Material arrived here really late but fingers crossed from the German tourdates on they’ll have it with them.
->Huge thanks to Kurzi ( for the great cover and sleeve realization!
URSUT still need shows for their weekend trip in April:
PLEASE HELP! Saturday 7th of April: ->middle or north Germany
PLEASE HELP! Sunday 8th of April: -> north Germany
URSUT April weekend trip
URSUT are coming down for a weekend trip in April. Please help to get shows booked and also check em out live!
Thursday 5th of April: Berlin – Cassiopeia
Friday 6th of April: Leipzig – Zoro
HELP NEEDED! Saturday 7th of April: ->middle or north Germany
HELP NEEDED! Sunday 8th of April: -> north Germany cause the band drives home to Malmö Monday.
Dates update
I updated the dates section with some more WOLFBRIGADE, VICTIMS, KYLESA and CRUDE dates. Check it out and come by.
WOLFBRIGADE – Damned weekend trips!
Here are two WOLFBRIGADE weekend trips to support the upcoming LP Damned and to just hit the road again and have fun. See you there!
17/5 POTSDAM @ BlackFleck (de)
18/5 GIESSEN @ Jokus (de)
19/5 VERDEN @ Juz Dampfmühle (de)
13/7 LEIPZIG @ tba (de)
14/7 DIY FEST (pl)
Shows i go and shows i work on
Here some shows i’ll most probably attend:
28.01.2012 SE – Stockholm – Kafé 44
VICTIMS set up a hometown show togehter with the great new bands SWARM and BLACK WHITESNAKE. Will be a great Stockholem weekend
11.02.2012 NL – Amsterdam – Occii
My admired friends of SEEIN RED will play there last show ever cause of some shitty health/hearing issues. I saw them when i started going to shows and will definitely not miss the farewell. They invited my homies of HERÄTYS to play and great CITIZENS PATROL will also be on stage.
31.01.2012 DE – Hamburg – Logo
My Savannah buddies of KYLESA are on tour in Europe again and i don’t wanna miss out.
I am also working on some WOLFBRIGADE shows for next year and an URSUT weekend trip and hopefully an HERÄTYS/HARDA TIDER weekend trip. Stay tuned.
URSUT-DÅRARNAS PARADIS LP will be available mid of next week. Testpressing got confirmed and delivery date from the pressing plant is set for 13th! This is a damn great scandinavian hardcore punk record you should not miss! It will be 400x black vinyl and 100x on yellow vinyl so get your copy now. The CD will come out the same day and is available directly from the band and soon also from Punkdsitro.
I am unavailable till end of December!
I will be unavailable via phone and email till end of December. I still post news if the URSUT LP is out and such stuff though. If you need to get records contact Punkdistro. If you want anything directly from me it has to wait till end of December.
– So long! –
WOLFBRIGADE Comalive repress, URSUT LP progress
WOLFBRIGADE-COMALIVE LP we just repressed. This time with thicker sleeve with matt coating cause we had to print a new load of sleeves anyway. URSUT-DÅRARNAS PARADIS LP is still in the works. Artwork is done and at the printing place so now it’s just desperate waiting for the testpressing.
The URSUT LP is progressing. We are all pushing it to hopefully have it out end of November. Follow them on their their new blog. My buddy Brad Boatright (FromAshesRise) is working a lot with his mastering, mixing and production studio Audiosiege. Check it out, he never disappoints and is always 110% in what he does. (Love you bro!)
13th sign exhibition
The 13sign exhibition of my friends Aijka and Kaska will be in Berlin, Leipzig and Warsaw. Check them out, they a.e. did the great Crude screenprint and shirt for us.
The screenprint editions of the ETAE LP and VICTIMS LP are still available from Punkdistro or directly from us. VICTIMS will play most probably their last show of 2011 at Bloodshed Fest 15th of October. URSUT LP is in progress. End of the month recordings and artwork should arrive so we can proceed in November and have it done end of November hopefully.
VICTIMS – Tübingen Epplehaus canceled :-(
VICTIMS had to cancel the Tübingen show October 14th due to shitty work issues. They are very sorry and will try to make i another time. Keep your eyes open if the HYSTERESE release show will still happen though cause they are really good. At least Bloodshed Fest is still on for VICTIMS, see you there.
Facebook and Newsletter
After a long time refusing to be on facebook, we are now and will try to keep it updated. Here the account. You can also subscribe to our newsletter here. But to keep updated it’s still the best to check the website on a regular base.
VICTIMS are touring the USA at the moment. Find dates on their website and stories at Garys blog. Also the US edition of the KYLESA/VICTIMS Split 7inch is finally out on Deathwish.
ETÆ LP is done!!!
The ETÆ LP is finally done. Turned out great and i think it was worth all the work and waiting. There are 536x made, 373x on black vinyl and 153x on turquoise vinyl with an amazing screenprint wrapping around the cover (Thanks to the double O’s for printing and Kurzi for the artwork!!!). 30x are available from the band, 25x were available from Punkdistro (already all sold) and the rest is available directly from us for now. It’s World/Europe: 18,- Euro (ppd+paypal), Germany: 17,- Euro (ppd + paypal). The special edition record itself is 12,- Euro, the rest is postage and paypal fees. Be fast to get a copy.
ETÆ Screenprint packaging preview
The screenprint packaging of the ETÆ LP will be done by the big double O’s within the next 2 weeks. Artwork is ready and looks amazing. Big thanks to Kurzi, awesome job!! There will be 150x on turquois vinyl with this screenprint packaging around the regular cover. 50x will be available by the band, about 20x by Punkdistro and the rest directly from us. Please make sure to preorder a copy.
3rd Release Show Weekend Trip is over
The 3rd release show weekend trip is done and again it was just brilliant. Potsdam Black Fleck was absolutely amazing, Frankfurt Au was damn great and Fluff was too. Thanks so much to Bianca, Loffi + Black Fleck, Verena, Thomas + Au and Fluff. I can just write again, being on the road can be so good if you have the right people and places involved. And as always with the Victims trips you can read a bit more on Garys blog but also that i have to say over and over again don’t believe it all ;-). Now Ieper Fest and then we’ll stay of the road till the October trip. If you wanna get one of the limited release show copies with screenprint packaging contact me, we have a handful left. I will be on vacation till the 15th of August, the ETAE LP should be ready by then. Tschüssi.
ETAE LP progress
ETAE testpressing arrived and was forwarded to the band and the mastering master Frank Bolz. Seems it will finally really happen. Layout is nearly done, Kurzi is doing the last modifications and then it goes in print. Screenprint edition is also in the last steps to production. So stay tuned.
Second release show weekend trip
The 2nd release show weekend trip is done and again it was just brilliant. Groningen at Crowbar was a fun start, Hamburg Hafenklang just ace as always and Leipzig was so damn great. Thanks to Michel+Crowbar, Daniel+Hafenklang and Fränk+Zoro. Being on the road can be so good if you have the right people and places involved. Like all the Victims trips you can read a bit more on Garys blog but don’t believe it all. As you might know i am never grumpy and never drunk 😉 Alright, more to come in July.
The different editions
Here a picture of the different VICTIMS ‘A Dissident’ LP editions. Black vinyl, orange/black marbled vinyl for the band, silver/black marbled vinyl for mailorder and yellow/black marbled vinyl with special screenprint foldaround for the release shows. Don’t they look AWESOME?! I am stoked!

Illegal by Choice: A benefit record for hidden refugees
VICTIMS will be part of the Illegal by Choice Compilation 7inch. It will be a benefit record for hidden refugees which is great and i hope many people will buy it. Great action from De Nihil Records, the Punk Illegal Network and the participating bands.
First release show weekend trip is over
…and it was just brilliant. Great shows in Amsterdam, Wermelskirchen and Bremen. Thanks to my bro Ronald and the Occi, to Ellen and the AJZ Bahndamm crew and to the G18 with all the helpers. You all made this happening and so good. After sleeping in Warmond we also had a great visit at Jos and visited the old town and De Drie Ringen microbrewery, a perfect day. Come to one the following release show weekends to purchase one of the awesome release show only edition of the ‘A Dissident’ LP and have good times with us. You can read more about the trip at Gerys blog but don’t believe him too much a.e. i am not really afraid of sharks (anymore) 😉
Victims LP printing mistake by Recordindustry
There is a little printing mistake on the LP, a bit of the front picture is viewable on the spine. I reached in a complain at Recordindustry pressing plant but they just said: “I can see what you mean, you can see a bit of the front design. I am afraid this is hard to avoid this with this type of sleeve, although the technical spine is 8mm, the actual result after folding is a bit more especially with the 350 gram board”. What means they offer something they can’t do properly? I did several 350 gram gatefold sleeves over the years at other places and it never was a problem. My request to only charge me for the ones i used by now and keep the rest and i will redo them properly somewhere else: “Although I can understand that you are disappointed I am afraid we didn’t make a mistake. On top of this I believe you won’t sell any record less because of this. Therefore I don’t see any reason to offer a discount or other solution.” -> Recordindustry seems not to care to do the production properly on their specifications and after all it doesn’t matter cause you sell em anyway. Great attitude towards their customers! Even though Recordindustry does really nice vinyl due to their attitude, communication and taking pretty long i can’t recommend them at all.
Handlewithcare, Optimal and my friend Bieber of Flight 13 Duplication seem to be way better choices. Anyway i apologize to the band, the artist and anyone who purchases the LP that it didn’t turn out 100%. I tried but i am at the mercy of the pressing plants to do it right or at least fix done mistakes. Sorry! There will be a 500 repress with this sleeves cause i can’t afford to just throw em away and then i will print the sleeves somewhere else for possible represses.
Victims Lp finally arrived
The Victims Lp load finally arrived. At the moment it’s only available wholesale from Punkdistro. In the next months we might find some more wholesale distributors especially foreign ones for our distribution but our main distributor is Punkdistro. Mailorder versions will be available here and the special release show editions at this shows. Gary wrote some background information about the song titles of the new album in his blog, enjoy!
Victims tourposter and flyer
Victims LP color change!
There will be a color change for the limited vinyl of the VICTIMS A Dissident LP. The pressing plant i used for this production, Recordindustry wrote me today while the records are in press that they run out of green vinyl. Not very professional and waiting for green vinyl would be another 2 week delay from their side so i changed it to orange/black marbled for the band copies. This versions will be available: orange/black marbled vinyl for the band, silver/black marbled vinyl for mailorder and yellow/black marbled vinyl with screenprinted wrapping paper for the release shows. As written before Recordindustry delivers nice quality but cause of their communication and organization they are definitely not recommendable from my side.
VICTIMS – A Dissident LP
The records should arrive 21st of April. It will be 800 copies on black vinyl for wholesale through Punkdistro, 200 on silver/black marbled vinyl for mailorders available from Punkdistro and Gunner records. 200 on blue/black marbled vinyl available from the band and some copies from Punkdistro. And finally 300 on yellow/black marbled vinyl in screenprinted wrapping paper only available at the release shows.
Some stuff on Interpunk
To make some records easier to purchase for US customers I started to have some stuff on Interpunk now. Single items the postage to the US is so ridiculous expensive I think it might make sense like this.
For now I sent them:
- Deathtoken / Kyklooppien Sukupuutto – Split 7inch
- Herätys – Helvettiin Ja Takaisin 7inch
- Skitkids / Nightmare – Split 7inch
- Skitsystem / Cyness – Split 7inch
- Crude – Corner LP
- Disfear – Misanthropic Generation LP
- Suicide Blitz – Ride The Steel LP
VICTIMS LP delayed
VICTIMS – A Dissident LP is still in the pressing plant. Release date will be delayed to 21st of April. Recordindustry turned out to be really slow. Master was provided and order was placed end of February. Testpressings arrived in Stockholm 28th of March (one month later!) and two days later we confirmed and ordered the pressing and got a confirmation now stating the records will be done 21st of April so 3 weeks till it’s done. I definitely can’t recommend despite their nice vinyl and priniting material quality.
The Etae LP is still in the making. Master is ready but layout is not done yet and with the horrible situation in Japan I can’t say when it will be done. Please be patient.
Rest in peace Henrik Frykman
When i was on vacation i received the devastating sad news that a good friend, Henrik Frykman the bassplayer of Disfear passed away. Here a statement from the band:
“It is with heavy hearts we inform you that on Friday the 25th of March Henrik Frykman passed away in his home after a long battle with cancer. Henrik will be greatly missed by family and friends.”
My thoughts are with them and loosing friends just damn hurts.